Make a Loan Payment - Enbright Credit Union

Make A Payment


Member Loan Payments

The simple and easy way for Members to pay loan payments online.  Includes a 3.50% processing fee.

ACH Form

Pay with ACH

Download the electronic transfer agreement, fill it out and email it to [email protected] to make automatic payments on your loan or credit card.

Payments in Person


You can make your payment  at any of  Enbright’s  three locations:  Nashville at NES, Donelson in front of Kohl’s, and Hendersonville at Indian Lake. Visit our website or download our mobile app for directions. The Hendersonville location at 270 Indian Lake Blvd has a night depository for after-hours payments.

We know some members prefer the mail-in option for many of our available banking services. That why we’ve provided a centrally located PO Box for your convenience and . If you need to make any of the following banking services: address changes, updates, payments, or make a deposit, please send it to our updated PO Box. 
Enbright Credit Union
P.O. Box 140030
Nashville, TN 37214
*All correspondence sent to the old address will be forwarded to the new address*

Need to skip a loan payment?

We know that the end of the year can make more demands on your finances, between holidays, taxes, travel, etc. Our Skip A Payment program allows you to skip one loan payment yearly after 12 months of payments have been made. If the loan is paid twice a month, those two payments may be skipped during the month you choose. Only one skipped payment (month) is allowed per year. Skipping a payment may extend the term of the loan and is not available if you have had a loan extension in the last 12 months.

Mortgages, credit cards, SBA Loans and credit lines are excluded from this offer. To apply for a skipped payment, CLICK HERE for the application form. Please complete the form and submit it at least five days before your payment is due.

Please submit a separate form for each loan.

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