Each Month, Enbright Credit Union, awards one lucky student at Hermitage Elementary School for their perfect attendance. At Enbright, we know of children’s attendance in school can positively impacts their success at getting an well rounded education.
This month – we awarded Aiden Braint for his dedication to his education by attending every single day at Hermitage Elementary School. As his reward, Aiden selected his very own bike including his own safety bike helmet that matched his style. You can check out the video highlights above to see how excited Aiden was to recieve his new bike! We encouraged his little sister to follow his lead with perfect attendance. As we congratulated Aiden on his perfect attendance, his dad set him up to take a cruise around the Enbright Credit Union Parking Lot and show our members!
Keep an eye out for next month’s Perfect Attendance Bike Giveway Winner. Your future is bright…with you as member of Enbright!