4 Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund This Year

Ask your tax preparer to automatically deposit your tax refund into a savings account and your checking account.
Many people think they can’t save money. It’s easy to fall into a spending rut. But when the car breaks down or another unexpected expense comes along, they have to turn to debt. And that’s just one more bill to pay. Automatically saving some of your tax refund today could help you avoid financial potholes down the road.
Use your income tax refund to help you save:
Open a special savings account today and start saving! Set up a rain day fund today and have the funds when you need them most.
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Learning about money can be, well, pretty boring. Budgets? Piggy banks? Lame.
But there’s good news: Financial literacy can be fun — at any age.
Online personal finance platforms offer gamified instruction to anyone, anywhere. They’re entertaining. They’re interactive. And, most importantly, they’re educational.
Ready to get started? Here are 22 online financial literacy games for learners of all ages — from kids to adults.
Ages: 3-6
Cash Puzzler is a memory puzzle that draws on visualization cues. Your job is to put scrambled pieces of a puzzle back together to form a complete bill. Choose between different denominations of bills — from $1 to $100 — and learn fun facts about the presidents whose faces are printed on our money.
Ages: 5-10
The U.S. Mint website offers several educational games, including Counting with Coins. The goal is to teach kids about effective money management. This game takes place in a grocery store. Players must do some quick addition and subtraction to determine the cost of groceries.
Ages: 5-10
Making Change is another educational game from the U.S. Mint. This one focuses on why U.S. currency looks the way it does. Players will learn all about coin shapes, materials used to make coins — including copper and gold — the faces on coins, and more.
Ages: 5-8
Let Peter Pig teach you about U.S. currency. In this interactive game, students will learn how to identify, count, and save up money. Buy accessories within budget to dress up Peter Pig in the virtual store. And then watch fun scenes with your earnings.
Ages: 5-10
Wise Pockets is an interactive money game targeted at kids, parents, and teachers. It covers the essential topics of income, spending, saving, and credit. Explore different rooms in the treehouse to learn more.
Ages: 14-18
Have you ever balanced a checkbook or a checking account? Now is the time with this fun, informative simulation game. Fill in a blank register while following along to the prompts. Record your new balance after each entry. The correct balance will appear once you’ve correctly calculated the expenses. One wrong calculation will send you back to the start. Practice makes perfect.
Ages: 11-18
Curious about monetary policy? Chair the Fed allows players to control a simulated economy as the head of the central bank. Your task is to achieve high employment and a low inflation rate. And you only have four virtual years to make it happen. Good luck!
Ages: 14-18
A perfect credit score is theultimate achievement. With Credit Clash, kids will see just how hard it is to obtain one. They’ll battle their way to the perfect score while learning which actions help or hurt your credit. Scenarios include taking out multiple loans, negotiating a lower interest rate, and paying back debts.
Ages: 11-18
Here’s an interactive football game that requires players to answer personal finance questions.
Ages: 14-18
This interactive game focuses on spending and saving. Players will go on a virtual cross-country road trip and make decisions about how to manage their money. Create a budget, spend responsibly, and manage debt. Hit the Road has straightforward instructions, making it easy to play.
Ages: 14-18
Money Magic teaches the basic principles of budgeting. Players control the main character, Enzo, who tends toward short-term gratification. Kids will have to make tough choices when balancing short-term wants with long-term needs.
Ages: 14-18
Say goodbye to student loans — virtually, at least. Payback encourages college hopefuls to think about student loan debt. It’s possible to earn a degree without taking on excessive amounts of student debt. This game will show you how. As a bonus, players can compete to earn $125,000 in scholarship money from Next Gen Personal Finance. The game is offered in English and Spanish.
Ages: 14-18
The Payoff is an immersive experience that requires players to guide their video blogger character through life. Manage unexpected events and reap the rewards. The game interface looks like a mobile phone, allowing players to check their account balance and open fake websites.
Ages: 14-18
Did you know the average teen spends $1,000 on prom? To keep costs down, Visa’s free app Plan’it Prom helps teens and parents budget for prom expenses.
Ages: 14-18
Can you plan your dream prom on a budget? Fill out a few pieces of information, including the prom date and money available to spend. Then choose your outfit, transportation, and more.
Ages: 14-18
Can you meet financial obligations on a low income? Spent challenges players to understand the difficult decisions that families face when living paycheck to paycheck. Students will learn about making financial sacrifices when it comes to needs versus wants.
Ages: 14-18
STAX is an investment game that allows players to build and grow wealth. This engaging, interactive game packs 20 years of investing into a few minutes. Trade during turbulent times and make bank during profitable periods. Players can compete against the computer or each other.
Ages: 11-18
The Stock Market Game is a simulation of a global capital market. Students will learn about the fundamentals of economics, investing, and personal. They’ll also experience real-world applications of other subjects, like math and English.
Ages: 14-18
Can you survive the gig economy? The Uber Game lets players take on the role of a full-time Uber driver with two kids. Created by the Financial Times, this game challenges students to successfully pay their mortgage in a gig economy. And it’s not as easy as it seems!
Ages: 14-24
Credit is a convenient and useful financial tool, but it has risks. Mismanaged credit can rack up interest and fees. So what is the real cost of credit? Play Charge! and find out. The game demonstrates how the interest rate, payment period, and paying the minimum amount can affect the cost of credit in the long run.
Ages: 14-24
Do you have what it takes to manage your own finances? Graduating school. Living alone. Earning a paycheck. These are huge financial milestones — but financial responsibility takes hard work. In Check It Out! you must answer financial questions correctly to advance further in the game.
Ages: 14-24
Money Talks is an interactive, online program suitable for teens and young adults. It includes comprehensive guides and resources for every stage of life — from the first job to living independently. The program is available in English and Spanish.
Mastering financial literacy is important for future success. Online financial literacy games provide a fun and educational option to do so — for all ages.
Source: 22 Financial Literacy Games to Make Learning Fun for Kids, High School Students, and Adults. (n.d.). OppLoans. Retrieved February 18, 2022, from https://www.opploans.com/oppu/articles/games-financial-literacy/
Money as You Grow. (n.d.). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Retrieved February 11, 2022, from https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/money-as-you-grow/
Money as You Grow. (n.d.). Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Retrieved February 11, 2022, from https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/money-as-you-grow/